Just uploaded Dori Chantel

I just uploaded the ManDancing mixtape “Dori Chantel and Other Songs” to streaming services to be released on April 29, 2024. I’m excited about putting this project out into the world for people to hear. There’s a lot that I will say about it soon but for now I just wanna say that all the technical stuff that is involved in putting art into the world can feel very daunting and time consuming but that’s okay. A lot of things take time. Like learning how to make blog posts on a website with consistency, or making dinner. I’m finding more and more in my own life that the joy I feel tends to be a result from the work that I put in. Whether it be sitting with a song idea for months, or pushups, or meditating, or walking, or juicing fruit, or making kisses with my girlfriend, the level of joy I feel is correlated with the amount of time I focus on doing the work. Action instead of thinking. I think myself into holes so friggin often, i’ve gotten really good at it. I can sit in my mind holes for a long time before I get up and do anything. Visualizing an outcome is def good and fun and key but only if its met with action. Anyways here’s an improv poem

Just uploaded the thing

what a good one

loud and ferocious and gentle so sweet

a body of work cobbled up neat

please send me love

ill send you some back

A dew drop this morning had me thinking bout


with you


Sleeping in

